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The Facts

You've all heard that plastic bags kill 20% of turtles worldwide and that most fish have at least 50% plastic in their stomachs, and you were probably sad and all that, but did you ever really consider that these animals are dying? That there are only 7 species of turtles left, and that all are endangered? Most of the wild-caught fish we eat will be full of plastic, which will end up in our stomachs when we eat them. Most plastics never break down, so they transfer up the food chain or are released back into the ocean when the consumer dies.


But it's not just sea animals, or just animals, as a matter of fact, who are dying. land animals and birds can get tangled in plastic, or, just like the sea life, eat it and die of starvation.


Trees and plants can be poisoned or have tangled roots because of- you guessed it- plastic. The plastic can get into water-ways and poison them, and when the plants (or animals and humans) consume this water, they become sick and often die.  

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