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This is where you can learn to make beeswax wraps, get snazzy patterns for bags, find patterns for fabric lunch wraps and overall discover ways to replace unneeded plastics!

Easy Beeswax Wraps!

You will need:

Sheet of cotton (desired size)


jojoba oil

parchment paper

ironing board and iron

Let's Go!

- cut two pieces of parchment paper 1cm larger than the cotton all the way round

- place one piece of parchment on the ironing board, then the cotton on top

- grate some beeswax evenly over the sheet

- pour some jojoba oil over the sheet

- place the other sheet of parchment on top

- iron the sheet until all the wax is melted, pull away the top sheet of parchment

- peel the cotton away from the other sheet of parchment paper

- it will be dry in a few minutes and ready for use!


Be creative- use different shapes and material patterns!

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